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TZM alloy

Posted by Admin | 30 Oct
The common preparation methods of TZM alloy (molybdenum zirconium titanium alloy) are: arc melting-casting method and powder metallurgy technology. TZM alloy rod arc melting-casting method is to use arc to melt pure molybdenum and then add a certain amount of Ti, Zr and other alloying elements according to weight percentage, and then use conventional casting methods to obtain TZM alloy (molybdenum zirconium titanium alloy); powder metallurgy has unique Chemical composition and mechanical and physical properties, which cannot be obtained by traditional melting and casting methods. It uses high-purity molybdenum powder, TiH2 powder, ZrH2 powder and graphite powder to be evenly mixed in proportion, then is formed by cold isostatic pressing, and then sintered at high temperature under a protective atmosphere to obtain a TZM billet. The billet then undergoes high-temperature hot rolling (high-temperature forging), high-temperature annealing, medium-temperature hot rolling (medium-temperature forging), medium-temperature annealing to eliminate stress, and then warm rolling (warm forging) to obtain TZM finished materials. The rolling (forging) process of the billet and subsequent heat treatment have a great impact on the material's properties, anisotropy and texture. The use of powder metallurgy can save large equipment such as vacuum consumable electric arc furnaces, large extruders and forging hammers, and corresponding high-temperature heating furnaces, simplifying the process, shortening the production cycle, reducing energy consumption, and doubling the production capacity and yield rate. , so the cost is greatly reduced. TZM alloy (molybdenum zirconium titanium alloy) is usually prepared into rods and plates. The powder metallurgy method can save large equipment such as vacuum consumable electric arc furnaces, large extruders and forging hammers, and corresponding high-temperature heating furnaces, simplify the process, shorten the production cycle, reduce consumption, increase production capacity and yield, and therefore reduce costs. Greatly reduced.
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