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What effect does anodizing have on metal molybdenum strips?

Posted by Admin | 20 Feb
Anodizing is a surface treatment technology that improves the surface properties of metals by forming an oxide film on them. For metal molybdenum strips, anodizing can produce the following effects:
The oxide film formed by anodizing can effectively isolate the metal surface from the external medium, thereby improving the corrosion resistance of the metal molybdenum strip, especially for some chemically corrosive media.
The oxide film is usually harder than the metal itself, so anodizing can increase the hardness of the metal molybdenum strip and improve its wear and scratch resistance.
The oxide film formed by anodization usually has better insulating properties, so it can improve the insulating properties of metal molybdenum strips, making it more suitable for use in some electrical applications.
Oxidation films of different colors can be formed on the metal surface through anodization, thereby improving the appearance quality of the metal molybdenum strip and increasing its aesthetics.
During the anodizing process, some lubricants can be introduced into the oxide film to improve the lubrication performance of the metal molybdenum strip and reduce the friction coefficient.
Anodizing can improve the surface properties of metal molybdenum strips, improve its corrosion resistance, hardness, insulation properties, etc., and have better performance and reliability in other situations.
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